Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 02/11/2016

Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli
This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes:
In the 02/11/2016 edition:
Get Your ‘Verse on! Firefly RPG on Sale, Pre-Order Phrasebook, and SCIENCE
By Monica Valentinelli on Feb 04, 2016 12:34 pm

Want to fly up and into the black? Throughout the month of February, the Firefly RPG corebook is half off over at DriveThruRPG!

In other news, the upcoming Firefly: The Gorramn Shiniest Language Guide and Dictionary in the ‘Verse is available for pre-order at a bookstore near you, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
Before I dash, I thought I’d share with you this science-y video that answers the question: could the Firefly Universe exist? Shiny!

Recent Articles:
Voynich Redux
Janus Goes Both Ways
[New Release] Battle for the Undercity for D&D 5E
Codex Entry: A Letter from an Up and Coming Inquisitor
On Hunter the Vigil 2nd Edition Open Development