Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 05/12/2016

Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli
This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes:
In the 05/12/2016 edition:
GenCon Industry Insider Featured Presenter
By Monica Valentinelli on May 11, 2016 07:46 pm

Today, I’m happy to share with you that I’ll be returning to GenCon: Indianapolis to speak on panels. I will be a GenCon Industry Insider, participating in a track of panels to share industry insights with attendees, along with several other storied individuals including Emily Care Boss, Eddy Webb, Kenneth Hite, and several others announced via the website. Huzzah!
Congrats to all of the announced speakers. I can’t wait to see you at GenCon 2016! Heck, I may even wear a suit this time around…IF the weather holds up, that is.

Recent Articles:
Cortex Plus Creator Studio Now Live!
My Interview with Dragon+ Magazine
Come Steampunk With Me. SteamCraft RPG Now on Kickstarter!
Debts I’ve Paid to Be a Writer
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