Updates from Monica Valentinelli for 09/08/2016

Weekly Update from M. Valentinelli
This week's news and posts from Monica's website includes:
In the 09/08/2016 edition:
[Guest Post] Melanie R. Meadors on Playing In Someone Else’s Sandbox
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 08, 2016 09:54 am
When Marc Tassin invited me to write a story for the anthology he and John Helfers were editing, Champions of Aetaltis, I was over the moon. I had always wanted to work on an RPG tie-in project, and since this had a sword and sorcery type setting, it seemed right up my alley. Some of the first fantasy novels I read as a teen were Dungeons and Dragons tie-ins, and I’ve enjoyed the Pathfinder Tales books from Paizo as well. It didn’t take me much thought at all to agree to work on this project with two editors I admired.
When I got the setting guide to the world of Aetaltis, where the stories of the anthology were to be set, I started reading it with glee. I couldn’t wait to get started, and I was sure inspiration for a story would hit me as I pored over the pages. There were two hundred pages, to be precise, with details about races and classes of characters, facts and maps about the settings, and everything I ever wanted to know about the history and gods of the world. But when it came time to actually write the story, aside from having a little struggle coming up with the proper “champion” (and you can read more about my struggle with that here) I became really worried. There was so much stuff in the world guide, so much of it was already estab-lished. What if I completely screwed something up?
Thankfully, I’m not a shy person and went straight to Marc with my fears. Not that I asked him to hold my hand or anything, but I pitched my story idea to him as specifically as I could, and asked him to please verify that the world stuff that was involved with my story seemed accurate. I told him straight out, “Hey, I’m new at this shared world stuff. I just need your OK that I’m going in the right direction.” Sure enough, I was fine. I wrote the story and submitted it to him by the deadline.
Then things started to get really cool.
I hadn’t thought much beyond needing to get my story written and then taking care of edits when they arrived. To me, my characters existed in Aetaltis, and there were creatures and mention of other places in the story, but that was it. It was self-contained in my mind. But of course, to the world developer, this one story was a piece to a much bigger puzzle. My story’s characters and the events in it would become the stuff of leg-end in Aetlatis. And possibly most awesome of all was finding connections between stories in the anthology, things that were completely unplanned but just coincided. Two stories, for example, that had a staff in them. When Marc emailed me one day and asked if I could fiddle with the description of a device in my story to make it match one in another story, which would actually be a legendary weapon, I realized for the first time just how cool writing in a shared world really was. My story was more than just a story, it would become a bit of the mythos of the world. People could read my story and create a game out of it, just like the Aetaltis role playing game world was the basis for my fiction story.
The same goes for pretty much any tie-in. When you write a story based in the world of a video game, RPG, or movie franchise, your story becomes part of that world’s cultural literacy. Something small in the world might have inspired your story, but something small in your story might inspire someone to write another story, or game, or even movie. Your work becomes part of something bigger than it would have been if it was just a stand-alone tale.
A simple story becomes legend.
The World of Aetaltis, a new classic heroic fantasy RPG setting for use with Fifth Edition, is now on Kickstarter. Books, accessories, maps, & more for your 5E roleplaying game!
About the Author
Melanie R. Meadors is the author of fantasy and science fiction stories where heroes don’t always carry swords and knights in shining armor often lose to nerds who study their weaknesses. She’s been known to befriend wandering garden gnomes, do battle with metal-eating squirrels, and has been called a superhero on more than one occasion. Her work has been published in Circle Magazine, The Wheel, and Prick of the Spindle, and she was a finalist in the 2014 Jim Baen Memorial Science Fiction Contest. Melanie is also a freelance author publicist and publicity/marketing coordinator for both Ragnarok Publications and Mechanical Muse. She blogs regularly for GeekMom and The Once and Future Podcast. Her short story “A Whole-Hearted Halfling” is in the anthology Champions of Aetaltis, available on /www.amazon.com/Champions-Aetaltis-Marc-Tassin-ebook/dp/B01E0EO7P0/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460560948&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=champions+of+aetaltis">Amazon.

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[New Release] Drawing Destiny eBook Now Available
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 07, 2016 03:41 pm

…And nothing will ever be the same again.
The Tarot, a mystical divination deck of cards, has appeared in the Sixth World as a powerful artifact. It works its will on anyone who finds one of its magical cards, from runners surviving on the street to corp executives battling in the boardroom. And not just people’s lives will be changed, for the Awakened Tarot deck is more than just a formidable magic item, it has an agenda all its own, and will seek to use those it comes in contact with to set its plans in motion…
/www.drivethrufiction.com/product/192569/Shadowrun-Drawing-Destiny-Tarot-Anthology?affiliate_id=185516">Drawing Destiny is the latest original Shadowrun anthology, featuring twenty-three original stories about this brand-new artifact introduced into the game universe. Featuring stories from Michael A. Stackpole, Jennifer Brozek, Chris A. Jackson, Lucy A. Snyder, Aaron Rosenberg, R.L. King, Russell Zimmerman, Monica Valentinelli, Josh Vogt, and Jason M. Hardy, and 14 more authors, these stories reveal how the Awakened Tarot will impact the Sixth World for better, and sometimes, for much worse… The cover was designed by Echo Chernik, who also designed the Sixth World tarot deck.
In addition to the tarot theme, the collection highlights different characters and their place in the Sixth World, and includes the Italian Federation which I used as the basis for “My Enemy, Mi Amici”. You can read my design notes on the Catalyst Game Labs Tumblr account, and you can now pick up a copy of the eBook on DriveThruFiction.com or Amazon. I hope you enjoy the collection!

![Like [New Release] Drawing Destiny eBook Now Available on Facebook Like [New Release] Drawing Destiny eBook Now Available on Facebook](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_lossy/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffee1dc2e-c0b2-4e98-9173-69da3e08a732_48x20.gif)
Munny, Magnets, and Painting [Pictures]
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 05, 2016 11:37 am

Took the time to decompress and find my head space again, and wound up doing some smaller beading projects(1) before I picked up a paintbrush. Captain Whinypants is hilariously addicted to all kinds of brushes, makeup or otherwise, so to satisfy the little monster I gave him his own brush to play with. He killed it dead. Deader than dead. Sad, little brush… *sniffles*
Anyway, I have a few projects pending(2) but it’s been an age since I’ve done anything art-related. Given the fact that my con schedule is much lighter now, I’m looking forward to taking the time to work on the art projects that are eating a hole in my brain.
Sometimes, though, to prep for the GINORMOUS VISION I do smaller bits to test brush sizes, paint consistency, techniques, etc. It’s also calming, since writing requires a different head space than drowning in paint. At some point, finger painting may need to happen.
Behold the fruits of my decidedly not gothish labors! Flat magnets stylized in the form of Lord Lardbottom and Captain Whinypants.

And here’s the Munny I painted. He wanted to be in spaaaaaacccceeeeee.

(1) I have a LOT of beads, and a LOT of detailed projects to do. Oy.
(2) I really, really want to make the door knockers from Labyrinth, but sadly that requires the use of sculpey and it scares me. Will I blow up the oven? Will I light my Pocky on fire? Will my caffeine consumption triple? Inquiring minds want to know.
Mood: Filled with Pocky. Strawberry kind. Mmmm…
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Too much.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Scrubbing due to catastrophe. Literally, cats made a HUGE ASS MESS.
In My Ears: Once Upon a Time
Game Last Played: Star Realms
Book Last Read: *glances at pile* Oy.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Snow White and the Huntsman: Winter’s War
Latest Artistic Project: P-p-p-p-p-p-p-aint!
Latest Fiction/Comic Release: Gods, Memes, and Monsters, Tales of the Dark Eras, and Firefly: The Gorramn Shiniest Language Guide and Dictionary in the ‘Verse.
Latest Game Release: Ghouls & Revenants for Vampire: The Masquerade and Court of Shadows for Shadowrun.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update.

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Katherine Cross on Court of Shadows over at Gamasutra
By Monica Valentinelli on Sep 01, 2016 12:01 pm

One of the biggest challenges working on any project for me, is the intersection between the response from readers/players and how that book/game/etc. was intentionally designed. Katherine Cross is one of, if not “the” first critics to fully grok the depths of Court of Shadows and the ancillary Sixth World Tarot deck which was released at Gen Con.
I hope you’ll check out Katherine’s analysis of Court of Shadows and the Sixth World Tarot on Gamasutra and check out her other articles, too. Katherine not only understood why I took a nuanced approach to the faction, she went on to talk about how the two releases intersect with one another and hints at a bigger world to come. The setting creation aftershocks are definitely rippling through the Sixth World setting, just like it did with Drawing Destiny: A Sixth World Tarot anthology.
Enjoy the article!

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