Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Change Your World
Greetings and Salutations!
This week's news, announcements, and musings include Wednesday's check-in and a motivational post for my Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge. You are welcome to join us at any time. Thanks so much for reading and supporting my art!
In the 02/09/2017 edition:
MANW Check-In Week 6: Decisions Based on Last Time Used
By Monica Valentinelli on Feb 08, 2017 11:10 am

We’re a month and a half in, and true to this month’s theme I want to talk about organizing. Last time, I mentioned that one way to get your art supplies and files sorted is to think about how you’re using them. For example, if you’re the type of person who stashes projects here and there (only to discover them later), ask yourself which space you use the most.
Today’s tip is about assessing your usage to help you get organized. Often, I’ve noticed that people start with Keep, Recycle, Toss, but I find that’s too generic for me. I base categories on increments of time, because that is a strong indicator on when I’ll use it.
What I do is assess the last time I used a project/file before making a decision. To this end, I’ve been using my digital calendars more and more–it’s so helpful to have a visual picture of what I’m doing and when. I’ll recommend some calendars next week!
Here’s how my assessment breaks down:
Current: For me, what I’m currently using is either within a window of thirty days, or during the last event. For example, since I infrequently cross-stitch I’d consider whatever I worked on last as current.
Past: This can either be within the past six months or a full year to cover seasonal-related uses. For example,, which occurs in November, and Camp NaNoWriMo, held in April and July, happen the same time every year.
From here, I think about usage up to five years. If I haven’t used something in five years, then that automatically gets archived, donated, or thrown out. For digital files, my methodology is to focus on what I’ve written within one-to-two years, because as I change and grow so does my writing. To go back and edit something I’ve written in the past is an exercise in insanity. I might farm the ideas, mind you, but rewriting older works isn’t healthy for me or my work.
Okay, once I have that sorted, it’s easier for me to make decisions based on what I’m using, what I want to use, and what I can safely get rid of. Why do this? Well, it’s a good way to save and make money. Going through your stuff gives you a sense of your personal inventory, and it helps jog your memory for gifts you’ve promised and projects you wanted to do. Sometimes, if I can’t find a specific calligraphy pen or a canvas, I’ll buy another one thinking I don’t have it. This way, I’ll know exactly what I’ve got–and what I tend to use more of!
The point of this exercise is to take control of your spaces, files, and art supplies to give you the mental and physical room to make more art. There’s also several psychological benefits to getting organized as well as a few health benefits, too. You might have another method of getting organized that works better for your style–and that’s okay!
Mood: It’s Wednesday, already? GAH!
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Three-ish.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Sorting, sorting, sorting.
In My Ears: Some crappy B-movie for background noise.
Game Last Played: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Book Last Read: Research materials for work.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Read my end-of-the-year list of releases for an overview of what I’ve put out for 2016.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming this month!

On Personal Power
By Monica Valentinelli on Feb 07, 2017 09:57 am

Back in November, I asked other artists if they thought that politics would impact their work. Most said yes, and a few others told me they couldn’t let that happen because of the type of work they did. For me, it was a confirmation that other people were feeling the same way I was. Only, I didn’t know how I could help in a way that mattered. Though I am introverted to a degree, I lose touch with the reason why I make art if I don’t connect. Just focusing on my own page only works up to a point; too much time alone and I turn into Captain Caveman. Not enough, and I’m Animal.
Enter the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge. By focusing on making art and talking about how to retain that focus, I thought, maybe I could help people weather the political storm in my own way. Those who are taking the challenge are to varying degrees; as their focus narrows, they abandon the online spaces they used to frequent to spend that time making art. Challengers aren’t the only ones who don’t visit online communities as much; many other people I know have, too. It’s overwhelming. It’s hard to know or trust what the truth is. That’s when the questions start: What can I do? Why do I feel so small? What voice do I have?
The question “What can I do?” also seems to be generating guilt for a lot of people. “What’s the point of making art when the world goes to shit?” “Why does my work matter?” which then leads to surfing the web for answers. Maybe one pundit will have something smart to say about why we are where we are or what we can do to fix it. Maybe my friends will agree with me that the proposed policies are shit and we can commiserate so you’ll feel better knowing other people feel the same way you do. Or, maybe just maybe if you can convince “that one guy” on the internet they’re wrong, you’ll win.
Only, you know deep down you can’t convince “that one guy” on the internet. Hell, you can’t convince your own family members to listen to you. You’ve heard of confirmation bias, of course, but you have to try. The question I have for you isn’t about why you’re having the argument in the first place, or why you’re feeling the way you do about making/selling/promoting your art, or why you’re doing anything you’re doing. The question I have for you is simply this: “What can you do?”
My guess is that you’re already doing everything you can, and you’re still feeling guilty that you’re not doing more. Some of you are calling your state Senators and Representatives. Some of you are protesting. Some of you are voting in the mid-term elections or are running for office. Some of you are donating to PEN America, the ACLU, the EFF, the Hero Initiative, the RPG Creator’s Relief Fund, Planned Parenthood, etc. Whatever it is you’re doing, you feel like it’s not enough. Then, you’ll read some pundit’s article about how protests don’t matter, how your small donations won’t add up, how your feel-good efforts are misguided and don’t count, how all your activism online is boosting the signal to an echo chamber. Or worse, you or someone you know is directly impacted by all that’s been happening and now you’re in pain. You feel powerless, and in your heart of hearts you know that’s the edge of the abyss that leads to anxiety and depression.
It is depressing and, like you, I feel powerless. I’m not a politician, I’m not a brilliant scientist or a doctor or a lawyer, I’m not wealthy, either–I’m an entertainer. So, here’s how I’m dealing with this: I start with what I can do, not with what I can’t. I focus on making those moments count.
Actions like:
Reconnecting and building local communities
Reviving a pen pal
Dusting off old to-do lists
Going for a walk–movement matters!
Getting my address book up-to-date
Sending birthday cards
Will taking small actions like these change the world? No, they won’t. They’re so small and inconsequential–what’s the point? They will, however, help me in other ways because they’re affecting my world. Maybe I can lift a friend’s spirits; maybe I can encourage a fellow artist to make their deadline; maybe I can find a young writer to mentor; maybe I’ll meet new people.
Despite politics, the bills come every month. Meals still need to be cooked. Sleep still needs to happen. Deadlines still have to be met; art still has to be made(1). It doesn’t matter what era of history we’re in–events on a timeline are not reflective of the people who live through them. We are all a part of the living fabric of history, and that’s why I am directing my attention to having a life. That is what I can control. Even then, dear reader, I am human. Sometimes, I make the mistake of adding the word “should.” That’s when I make my world smaller. If I can’t do a big thing, I turn my attention to doing something small. If I can’t do something small, I focus on something smaller and smaller and smaller still. Then, I grow from there.
By focusing my attention on my personal power(1), I don’t feel so powerless anymore. It’s not a perfect solution. It may even sound incredibly lame, misguided, or filled with privilege, but as a survivor I’ve learned over time that self-care isn’t selfish. It only feels that way sometimes–especially if you’ve been in an abusive relationship. It only feels that way when someone else says you aren’t doing enough, your attention is misguided, you aren’t helping in the way they think matters. That someone else is not you, however. You’re the only person who knows how to best take care of yourself, and that person is the one you need to listen to.
(1) Friend of mine shared this article that making more art than you consume has health benefits. Shiny!
(2) Personal power is a theme I’m working on in stories I’ve written recently.
Mood: So sick of winter it’s not even funny.
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Erm… Two. No three!
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Walking, walking, walking
In My Ears: A snoring cat.
Game Last Played: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Book Last Read: Research materials for work.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Read my end-of-the-year list of releases for an overview of what I’ve put out for 2016.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming this month!

MANW Badges and my RedBubble Store
By Monica Valentinelli on Feb 03, 2017 06:59 am

Today, I signed up for RedBubble and opened up a store. My artist’s account is mlvalentine, and you can check out the mlvalentine’s RedBubble store connected to my profile.
Throughout the year as my challenge continues, I’ll be adding more finished pieces that are worthy of you. The proceeds I earn from this site will go toward my art supplies.
MANW Participant Badges
I am pleased to share with you that one of the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge participants, Meredith Gerber, has created badges you can use on your websites and social media accounts. She has also designed monthly themes, too. Go Meredith!
Here are the badges so far for the MANW 2017 Challenge! To save, you can right-click and download to your computer or you can click on the image to open it up in a new tab. They are free for your personal use. I added the information for Creative Commons at the bottom of the post, too. I hope you enjoy the badges!
If you’d like to link back to my challenge, you can either:
Link to the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge rules
Link to the Make Art Not War 2017 category filled with all my posts

Make Art Not War 2017 by Monica Valentinelli and Meredith Gerber is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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