Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Change Your World
Welcome to March Madness!
This week's news, announcements, and musings include Wednesday's check-in, a brand new theme for March, and a motivational post (or two) for my Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge. You are welcome to join us at any time. Thanks so much for reading and supporting my art!
In the 03/09/2017 edition:
4 Ways You Can Support my Work
By Monica Valentinelli on Mar 06, 2017 03:20 pm

Hello! I had some lovely players and readers reach out via Facebook last week asking how best to support my creator-owned and media/tie-in work. There are four ways you can help me out:
1. You can leave a review. Reviews are a fantastic way for you to help other readers and players like yourself know whether or not a game or book I’ve worked on will resonate with them. Amazon reviews continue to be very important, but reviews on,, and places like GoodReads are also valuable.
2. You can buy me a coffee. In lieu of an Etsy store or Patreon, you can buy me a cup of coffee on I am making plans to get my original work out there, but it will take a little bit before I am set to launch. My biggest concern is that I do not want to make promises to you that I can’t keep–so I’ve got to fold those efforts back into my business plan. (Business plans aren’t sexy, I know, but they help keep me focused and ensure I’m paying my bills.)
3. You can support and FR Press. – is a dark speculative horror zine, and it is a site I’ve written and edited for. FR Press is the small press publishing arm of the website, and I’ve published a few books and games through them that are available via the Flames Rising Shop. If you’re interested in what I’m doing, you can search for me by name.
4. You can support my creator-owned work. Though my portfolio continues to shift and change, one of the best ways to support me is to buy, review, and help spread the word about my creator-owned efforts. There are a couple of books and games released last year you can check out. They include:
This list of titles will continue to evolve as I put out more creator-owned stuff and get my fiction off the ground. I’ll keep you posted when new releases are available, so watch this space!
In terms of awards, I do appreciate it when I’m nominated–and they do help in my experience–but I regard them to be icing and not cake. If you feel like nominating me, awesome! Here’s my list of 2016 publications. If you don’t, totally get it and no worries. There are plenty of amazing books, games, comics, movies, etc. out there that are worthy of your time and energy. That’s the beauty of being an artist: there’s always another book, game, comic, song, etc. to make, appreciate, and love!
Mood: Firing on all cylinders
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: SO MANY
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: I lifted a pen. Does that count?
In My Ears: Nothing. Shhhhh… the cats are sleeping.
Game Last Played: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Book Last Read: Reference for work
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Binge-watching Kung Fu Panda (Yes, this is my embarrassed face.)
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Read my end-of-the-year list of releases for an overview of what I’ve put out for 2016.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming this month!

Recent Articles:
MANW Week 9: March’s Theme and Avoiding Burnout Tips
February MANW 2017 Challenge Recap: How’d You Do?
Have Confidence in Yourself! Your Mileage Will Vary
Stop Waiting and Make Art
MANW Week 8: A Mish-Mash of Administrivia and Brain Weasels