Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Change Your World
Harbingers and Keys
This week's news, announcements, and musings are about Make Art Not War, sample excerpts, and more! Just as a reminder, I am off of Twitter/Facebook unless it's for work. I will be extending that sabbatical through Labor Day; I may make an exception for the conventions I'm attending.
It's been an unusual week. I had a major relapse from the cold I had last week, and had caffeine withdrawal--the last of my known addictions--on top of that. Out of this, came several short story ideas that I've recorded. Mostly, they have to do with transhumanism more than anything else. That said, I did manage to get out and about, and heard what I consider to be the worst possible story that could ever happen to a human being. Suddenly, I felt as if my purpose for writing my lagging novel became much clearer. Sure, I tell myself all the time that I want to be successful and stay in the business of writing, but sometimes? A story is the relief someone needs to realize that they are okay and worthy of love.
Before I go, I wanted to mention that I have been working on some administrivia as I get time. I finally updated my Amazon Author Central page and claimed some of my books and games that are still in print. This isn't everything, but it's a good start!
I'm off to dive into a massive pile. Apologies for the late Make Art Not War 2017 update. Finally feeling better, though!
Hope you are all doing very well!
- M
In the 05/18/2017 edition:
MANW Check-In Week 20: When Making Art Doesn’t Happen
By Monica Valentinelli on May 18, 2017 09:47 am

Apologies for today’s late check-in. I had a nasty relapse of the cold I had last week, and spent a lot of time in bed. Figured now would be a GREAT time to cover what happens when you just cannot make art — despite all your best efforts.
Here’s an interesting thing about making art: sometimes, you have to rest your brain and let ideas percolate. Focusing on one project can be detrimental to your revisions process, because you’re “too close” to what you’re working on. Sometimes, the way to keep making art is to have multiple projects on hand in many different styles. Knitting, crocheting, beadweaving are repetitive and have a mathematical component; putting that time in doesn’t require as much mental energy as writing or drawing does, for example, unless you’re following intricate patterns and creating your own. Going for walks or getting fresh air also helps, because you’re doing something else in the forefront of your mind so your creative brain has a chance to catch up.
When you make art full-time, it’s challenging when you have blocked days because the ideas don’t stop. Ideas, however, don’t pay the bills or get the words down. Usually, then, I record new ideas or free write to keep something percolating. Sometimes, though, it is impossible when you’re sick. It certainly was for me, and now that I’m (hopefully) back up to full speed I feel as if I’ve been on a mental vacation for months!
This brings up two points I want to remind you of: first, your mileage will vary if you’re participating in this program. It’s possible you cannot make art every day, because that’s not how you’re wired. If that’s the case, learning that will help you in the future because knowing how and when you produce art is valuable information to work with. Second, keep in mind that Make Art Not War 2017 is also a means of prioritizing what you want to do (making art) over all the peripheral b.s. that you may be experiencing. Then, when you’re not making art, you’ll feel it and (hopefully) ramp back up as fast as possible because deep down, you know you’ve made art your priority.
Regardless, remember to be kind to yourself. There’s a big difference between having a legitimate reason to slow down or not make art versus procrastinating, being lazy, and giving up entirely. Even I have to remember that, sometimes.
Mood: Determined and plodding along
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Quite possibly, the worst thing about being sick is the caffeine withdrawal.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Light walking
In My Ears: Stupid fans
Game Last Played: Final Fantasy X-2. Finally got the Mascot dress sphere. Boo-yah.
Book Last Read: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Lucifer
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Unknown Armies Books 1-3, and Kobold Guide to Gamemastering.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

Making Art as a Way of Dealing With Bad News
By Monica Valentinelli on May 13, 2017 05:55 pm

It has been quite the week, and I cannot imagine what it’s been like for those of you who have been active online. Even the little bit of news, both personal and political, has been depressing as hell. That, topped off with multiple viruses and other day-to-day crap, can get to be too much very quickly. In fact, it can downright stall your ability to write, revise, edit, sketch, etc. It might even feel selfish to make art on spec (e.g. without a contract); or, you might have convinced yourself there’s too many terrible things going on in the world, so why does your story matter? Why bother?
Often, we downplay how much we give of ourselves to our art. Our joys, our sorrows, fears, pain are often wrapped up into one painting, game, story, comic, etc. Sometimes, we might even create a piece of art to help someone feel that much needed sense of relief. Other times, we might make something because the act of creation is not something anyone can take away from us. You, and only you, made that piece of art or collaborated with other people on it. That’s amazing, and that’s very, very important–especially right now. We may not be able to save the world, but we can tap into people’s emotions and move them through our art. I used to think that was just entertainment, and I was wrong. It’s more than that. It’s our point of connection, our way of showing the truth in a more palatable (or brutal) fashion, our reminder that we’re all human.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to think about the importance of making art when the bad news doesn’t stop. It’s not the one thing, of course, it’s the death by a thousand cuts. When it’s personal, it’s one passive-aggressive comment after the other about what you’re not doing, what you should’ve been doing, what you need to do, what you’re not. When it’s not, your faith in your government and your country is shaken. You hear the dogs of war barking–and aren’t sure if they’re real or imagined. You feel helpless. Fear, fear, fear, anxiety, fear. And it adds up. Oh, does it ever!
At some point, you’re probably going to shut down. Then, in that darkest of spaces, you do the one thing you’ve convinced yourself needs to happen: you wait for more bad news. Now, you might even be looking for it, because your boundaries have eroded. Bad news is now something you expect, and it’s something you’re unwittingly using as a survival mechanism. That bad news is familiar, it’s how you cope, it’s all you know. Your worldview might even shift in the process. Suddenly, things that were once enjoyable aren’t anymore. Small things are meaningless, and making art is an afterthought. The bad news, that’s what is really important–right?
I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: life continues. Even at the worst of times, someone bakes bread or plants flowers or pets the cat or flies a kite with their kids. Think about all the shit I’ve been through; I’ve been bullied, doxed, harassed, threatened, etc. multiple times over and I am still standing. I am still here. And, I am still making art. A little slower than usual this week? Yep, unfortunately I’m coming off of a cold this week and Ny-Quil does strange things to my creativity. But, regardless, I am still at it even if progress is slow. Sometimes, the best I can do is take it one step at a time.
It wasn’t always this way, and the stars-only-know I’m not perfect. Like you, I do the best I can. Yes, there have been a few times where I have gotten so sucked in, because everywhere I turned people were either talking about politics, protesting, or negatively affected by the fractional “us vs. them” everywhere. It felt as if I had no escape, and it was hard for me–and many other creators like myself–to focus. I saw yellow journalism happen right in front of my face. I felt powerless to stop people from getting hurt, and all I could do was get out there and vote. Then, when it was all over… I felt like I was hungover, and I was angry for many reasons. I had been consumed. We had all been eaten up by what was happening, and despite our best efforts many people were definitely not being heard.
There was another reason why I was angry, though. I was mad at myself. At the end of the day, when you make art for a living or a hobby you lose a lot when you aren’t creating. Not only do you lose time, you also lose your purpose for being. I am not a doctor or a lawyer or a politician. I’m an artist. And that means, that in order for me to do my job to the best of my ability, I have to keep making art regardless of the thousand and one reasons out there that make me feel as if I don’t matter. That, dear reader, is my definition of persistence.
The title of today’s post was “Making art as a way of dealing with bad news.” So, here’s the deal: I have some bad news for you today. I do. I’m worried that you’re going to be overwhelmed by all the bad news that’s surrounding you and you won’t make art. It’s true. It is easier to stop making art than to keep at it, but don’t give in. Take the harder path, because that one? That’s usually a sign you’re headed in the right direction. Fight. Know that you are not alone. If you can’t make art for yourself, do it for your future self. Or, make art for someone you haven’t met yet. You never know how powerful and transformative your art can be unless you keep going. One brush, one word, one sketch might not seem like much, but that’s all I’m asking for right now. It’s the only way to fight back the darkness, and to firmly and loudly proclaim that you are still here despite the odds.
Please, I know it’s hard right now. Don’t give up hope. “It can’t rain all the time.”
Mood: Weird. Hot and sneezy. Summer already?
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Coffee has health benefits. Right?
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Light walking
In My Ears: Stupid fan
Game Last Played: Final Fantasy X-2. Found the bloody chocobo dungeon and the bloody underwhelming chocobo. Huzzah!
Book Last Read: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Unknown Armies Books 1-3, and Kobold Guide to Gamemastering.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming in May.

Friendly Friday: Unstealthiest Ninja, Bear Cats, and Studio DoOoMcat
By Monica Valentinelli on May 12, 2017 02:56 pm

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of making sure money flows to the artist. Often, I get super frustrated when it comes to T-shirts, because there’s a lot of designs being taken from DeviantArt or uploaded from an artist’s website — even at big box stores. For this reason, I often try to buy shirts when I know the source of the art; it does get even more complicated when adding in rights to actor’s likenesses and properties, too. Mind you, I’m trying not to hit you with the Hammer o’ Preachin’, but as someone who advocates for artists whenever possible I feel like I have to practice what I cheer for.
Enter Shirts on, and its pro-artist attitude. They feature the artists who submit work to them, and you can learn more about them. That, dear reader, is how I discovered the super cute collection of Unstealthiest Ninja T-shirts illustrated by husband-and-wife team Studio DoOomcat. I love this aesthetic, and there are tons of great T-shirts by Studio DoOomcat that go beyond the clumsy ninjas. I dig the Unraveller of Worlds and the cuddly octopus RAWR!.
While on the site, I discovered that one of the artists, Alison Acton, also has a cute webcomic called Bear Nuts, too. She takes commissions, which are super cheap, and this studio has a ton of options if you’re interested in their aesthetic. I know I will be; I just have to figure out what I want!
For more about Studio DoOomcat, check out the Bear Cats Webcomic site and poke around some. In addition to the webcomic, both artists have done a lot of work elsewhere. There’s a lot to explore and read!
Mood: Scrambling now that I’m not sick anymore!
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: NOT MANAGED
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Ummmm… Does typing count?
In My Ears: Dragon Age: Inquisition soundtrack
Game Last Played: Final Fantasy X-2. You have any idea how frustrating it is to find that bloody chocobo dungeon?
Book Last Read: Kim Stanley Robinson’s Aurora
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge and Rules
Latest Releases: In Volo’s Wake for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Unknown Armies Books 1-3, and Kobold Guide to Gamemastering.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming in May.

Tomorrow’s Precious Lambs, A Zombie Short Story Excerpt
By Monica Valentinelli on May 11, 2017 11:06 am
“Tomorrow’s Precious Lambs” is an interesting zombie story for me, because it represented a lot of “first’s”. It was the focus of my first reading, it generated requests for a sequel, I wrote a gospel song while writing it, and it was also my first reprint in Extreme Zombies, too!
Published by Apex Book Company, you can find “Tomorrow’s Precious Lambs” in The Zombie Feed, Vol. 1, which is the original collection filled with stories by Lucien Soulban, Maggie Slater, Simon McCaffrey and more! Extreme Zombies is also available through Prime Books and features really awesome writers like George R.R. Martin, Nancy A. Collins, and Joe R. Lansdale. Both collections are available on, Barnes and Noble, and wherever books are sold.
Here’s a bite of the story! Enjoy the braaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnnssssssss…
Tomorrow’s Precious Lambs Excerpt
Midnight. The hour when flesh walks and good, little children are stashed away like stolen diamonds. The hour when the feast begins: skin-ripping hair-raising bone-cracking crunch, crunch, crunches. The hour when my thunder stick comes out, zap, zap zapping all the way ’til dawn.
Go on down. Down to the ri-ver. Go on down and wash a-way.
One-thirty. Dog tired. Got a call from headquarters. Had to exterminate a nest out by a gas station. Was worried I was going to run out of ammo. Pause. Rewind. That’s right. I didn’t need to re-load. Long battery life. Couldn’t use the stick like I wanted. There were too many of ’em and not enough of me. So I introduced them to my best friend and mortal enemy–C4. Crickle-crackle snap, snap, snap. Orange flames licked the corpses, ate their rotting flesh right down to the bone. Smelled like my momma’s church picnic. Hungry. Nothing to eat. Found an energy shot. Slammed two of them. Made my belly hurt even more.
Come to the ri-ver. Wash, wash, wash your sins and pray.
Fell asleep at the wheel. Phone woke me up. Three a.m. Witching hour. Sergeant’s on the line saying something about domestic abuse. Tell her it could wait ’til daylight. Man beats a woman down, that’s bad. Man eats a woman’s brain? That’s the guy I’m coming for.
“Officer Mike….” Sergeant’s got that disapproving tone in her voice, like she’s my mother. My momma was a preacher, but she died in a fire, along with the rest of the parish. Don’t know much about Sarge or how she survived. Then I remember. She sticks to the rules, because it’s all she’s got. It’s like her feelings dried up and they were replaced with a pile of useless laws. Like my appendix. Don’t know what I need it for, but it’s still there.
Maybe the law is all I got, too. “Yes, sir?”
“We got a biter.” Fuck. “She’s twelve.” Double fuck. I’ve been on this job too long, but not long enough. Three years. Shitty pay. Crappy benefits. Divorced. No kids. That was before the dead rose up out of their graves. Some folk thought it was the Rapture, welcomed the dearly departed back into church with open arms. Then the dead took over, gnawing on people like they were Thanksgiving leftovers. Told myself this had nothing to do with God or Jesus or the devil. This reeked of greed, something man-made, and it was up to me to find out who’s responsible.
“I’ll be there.”

Recent Articles:
MANW Check-In Week 19: Fun Work Isn’t Necessarily Free
[New Release] Cabal RPG
Redwing’s Gambit Sale, Novella Excerpt, and Design Essays
Friendly Friday: Transformers and Dan Khanna
Mark Your Calendar for WisCon