Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War Challenge and Change Your World
Doing All The ThingsTM
Hello readers!
My To-Do lists have repopulated, and created more To-Do lists. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but I hit a point where I realized I cannot be defeated by [insert colorful and not fit for email words about our current political "leaders"]. I'm past the point of emotional exhaustion, and that means I am redirecting all my energy into doing what I know how to do as opposed to beating myself up for the power I don't have. Huge difference! That said, "do what I can" is a great, additional mantra to follow "I got this!" Hard to be your own superhero all the time, for sure.
I've had a bunch of languishing deals explode in my face, so the next few months will be very busy. I'm a bit worried about what that will mean socially, so we've relaunched some coffee house/game days, and a few additional events. Book BrainTM is taking over, and I have a lot to do. Crazy ass deadlines are definitely better than the alternative!
That's all from me this fine day in Autumn. Pretty boring, if you ask me, but no news? Great, right now. Boring is how the work gets done. Hoo.
- M
In the 10/05/2017 edition:
A New Alchemical Addition to a Rare Auction
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 04, 2017 05:24 pm
Dear readers,
Today I am happy to share with you that I have finished my preparations to ensure a mysterious book called the Mythica d’Argent(1) will be included in book filled with similar listings for other, enigmatic tomes of the occult.
This new book, called The Dagon Collection, will be a follow-up to The Starry Wisdom Library edited by Nate Pedersen.
More news will be forthcoming!
(1) Mark this as a momentous occasion, for reasons I’ll get into later.

MANW Week 40 Check In: New Theme and Saddling Up
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 04, 2017 11:54 am

Hello everyone! As I mentioned previously, I spent September finishing up the Make Art Not War Challenge: Rules, Essays, and 31 Creative Prompts eBook. Now that pledge has been fulfilled and my travel is more manageable, I’m back in my office and here to make art. Rah! Rah!
This month’s theme will be SELF-CARE. Fairly self explanatory, but a topic I’m going to write about further. I think we all need this reminder, especially in the wake of several natural disasters in addition to politics. I’m sure you probably know someone who is affected by what’s happening in the world today, and it can be hard to stay motivated. But, we have to!
Today, I want to revisit my pledge as a means of getting back on track.
My Original Make Art Not War 2017 Challenge pledge:
I pledge to devote one hour a day to my original art.
If I don’t feel motivated, I pledge to write down the reasons why I wanted to take this challenge for fifteen minutes or one-to-three pages whichever comes first.
I pledge to mark down on the calendar whenever I complete a day’s efforts.
As the challenge creator, I pledge to create a weekly accountability post every Wednesday beginning on January 9th. Comments will be open. Hashtag #makeartnotwar2017 #manw2017
I pledge to check into social media twice a week for personal use, and once a month with my local community of artists and writers.
Here’s where I am sitting with my Make Art Not War Challenge pledges today:
I fulfilled my promises in September, and managed to make a few jewelry pieces. I’ve been spending the time getting my space and personal business sorted as well, with a goal of December 31st.
I did freewrite a few times, but I haven’t had an issue with motivation lately.
I haven’t marked my progress on the calendar, but I do plan on logging time going forward. I’d really like to end this year with a bang.
As the challenge creator, I pledge to create a weekly accountability post every Wednesday beginning on January 9th. Comments will be open. Hashtag #makeartnotwar2017 #manw2017 You’re looking at my post, right now! Hee.
Connections are proceeding apace, and my social media time and usage will need to be adjusted further. I’m seriously considering further means of altering engagement, especially since Facebook and Twitter don’t seem to take the hint that not all of us use the tools in the same way. But, for now I have it blocked during work hours, and I’ll take it from there as time allows.
Right now, it feels like it’s February all over again, and I’m rocking with new energy, fresh to-do lists, and a heap of goals. The productivity is there, and after this year’s round of ridiculousness I can say this with vigor: if something doesn’t work for you, then consider letting it go. For full-time writers like myself, we have to remain vigilant and focus on work. If something throws our routine off-kilter, that can be disastrous unless we get back up on the horse quickly.
I’ve got some fabulous news, but can’t say anything for quite a while. It does mean, however, all the work I’ve done to clear up my proverbial slate and get my shit together has paid off. My business plan is solid, I’ve been doing some awesome work with Onyx Path Publishing and Wizards of the Coast for games, and I’m very happy with the direction my career is headed. Thanks to Luke Cage, the motto “Forward. Always forward.” is a wonderful thing. No matter how slow the mechanism of publishing moves, it’s still moving. Hah!
Mood: Huh. It’s Wednesday? Okay then!
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Yeah. It’s “ashamed to admit” levels.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Went for a short walk in the blistering heat.
In My Ears: Tron: Legacy soundtrack
Game Last Played: Pokémon Go
Book Last Read: Loads for work. Loads.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Westworld
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War Challenge eBook
Latest Releases: Over the Edge for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

[New Release] Make Art Not War Challenge eBook
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 03, 2017 08:05 am

Hello everyone! I am pleased to announce the release of Make Art Not War Challenge: Rules, Essays, and 31 Creative Prompts. This eBook is available in multiple file formats through in Nook (ePub), Kindle (Mobi), and PDF formats.
Here’s more information about this eBook:
When times are tough, the feeling that artists are not necessary tends to permeate. Art is viewed as frivolous or a luxury since we don’t produce food, clothing, or housing. The exact opposite is true, however, because in charged political climates artists document and represent our humanity and all our struggles be they violent or peaceful for present day and future generations. Often, propaganda posters, victory songs, and other forms of art are specifically commissioned as well. Art is omnipresent, it is always political, and the choices we make affect our audiences and everyone around us.
For some artists, making art is an act of resistance; for others, making art is a way of life and a career. Even if your goal is to avoid politics altogether, remember that people turn to stories, games, and comics to find hope, to be inspired, to reach inside themselves and discover their own courage. Those emotions, even if they provide a temporary reprieve from whatever they’re facing, are powerful motivators to live and fight another day.
This eBook includes:
* Customizable Make Art Not War Challenge Rules
* Essays to help empower artists and deal with blockages
* 31 Creative Prompts to unlock an artist’s creativity
Remember, one story can change someone’s life. The problem is, we have no idea which story that will be, when it will be told, or in what medium. It’s up to us to find it — by making art! The eBook includes essays and material that debuted on my blog, but it also includes new material, too.
If you’re a fan of, the Make Art Not War Challenge eBook can also be picked up at the Kindle store along with The Cainite Conspiracies, which I edited for the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: The Masquerade Dark Ages, and two collections that include my stories. The first is Endless Ages, and the second is Tales of the Dark Eras.
More stores will be added pending review. I hope you enjoy this eBook and, more importantly, keep making art! Enjoy!

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