Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War Challenge and Change Your World
Back in Violet
Hello readers!
One of the updates you'll see this week, is about the work I've started putting into Seven years ago, I released an eBook called "The Queen of Crows" just shy of the iPad's debut. This story catalyzed the creation of a massive, massive world filled with multiple characters. This is the kind of amazing dream you have and you can't let go, and you have no idea whether or not it'll work out--but you need to do it, anyway.
So what's been taking so long? Well, I write full-time, but have also taken on insanely demanding gigs periodically. Sometimes, I have days where I plop down 8,000 words and others 2,000 plus administrivia. There are many, many writers like myself who can't justify writing a novel on spec, and I was definitely one of them for a while. But there was a second reason, and that was simply because I wasn't ready. I am very much used to working collaboratively, and to take on a project of this scope by myself... Well, it overwhelmed me. What I wanted to do was not what my talent or knowledge could provide at the time. Understanding my voice, learning what my limits were as an author, me, these are not my failures. This is all part of the journey. I had a lot to learn (still do), but I've got some options to explore; I've built a great, supportive team who's starting to understand my obsessive nature regarding the work. One tool I'm considering, by the way, is Writing In The Margins; I'm definitely thinking about sensitivity readers to ensure I'm doing my job right. That bit comes later, though, during revisions.
The other thing you may notice is that I'm writing a story called Dairy of an Aspiring Alchemist set in this world and am releasing it on WattPad. Yes, the entries are all my first drafts written that day (or the night before in a fit of insomnia). Yes, they are told in real time. Hoo. Keeping me honest! Okay, so here's a secret: I really don't want to write this story. It's the backstory for William Sand, who is one of the supporting characters in my novel. His path leads him into deep darkness, and that darkness threatens to change him. It begins in our world, so you understand where he comes from, and it slides downhill from there. This will be open for comments. At this point, I don't have any plans beyond writing the first draft.
I could babble on for days and days and days...telling you the stories that culminate in the Violet War--or I could simply write them. I know exactly what I want to do with my career, and for this to work? It's going to take a mixture of work, discipline, love. Mostly: a whole lotta luck. I know that's part of it, too. Hah!
Anyway, hope you're doing well. For fun, I thought I'd share an old Halloween pic of Lord Lardbottom in a vintage Alcatraz prison costume. The hat just kills me. Every time.
- M
In the 10/12/2017 edition:
Pardon My Violet Dust
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 09, 2017 06:05 pm

Back in 2010, I launched a website called and I realized an enhanced eBook called The Queen of Crows shortly before the iPad launched. Yeah, it’s been that long. (Hell, I don’t know if I’d write that story all over again or not.) Seven years later, I’m finally ready to start sharing what I’ve been working on as time allows.
I’ve come into a bit of good fortune, recently, and that means I’m juggling work-with-passion once again. There is no question about it: Violet War, for me, is a labor of love. No guarantee you’ll enjoy it; I, however, am deeply in love with it. Violet War is a massive, massive global setting with a huge cosmology, dozens of characters, and several subplots. The stories in this world need to come out, however, and I have no other choice than to move forward on this by revising/submitting and offering some stories for free. The rest will be wait-and-see, for sure.
More on this as time progresses. There’ll be further site updates as I start wrangling the existing content into submission, and possibly a new theme/art.
Are you ready for a war? I guess we’ll find out.
Mood: I have had a beignet. Your argument is invalid. (Been waiting ALL day to say that!)
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Oh, so many.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Walking, walking, walking.
In My Ears: How Far I’ll Go from Moana (Alessia Cara version). Now on repeat!
Game Last Played: Pokémon Go
Book Last Read: Loads for work. Loads. LOADS MORE. MOAR.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: The Magnificent Seven YUS!
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War Challenge eBook now available!
Latest Releases: Over the Edge for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

An Itty Bitty Status Update
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 09, 2017 11:01 am

Phew! It’s been a whirlwind of a summer, and now we have a new season: Summall. Or, possibly, Summinter. We’re experiencing unusually warm weather[1], and that has put a significant dent in my combat boot-wearing capabilities. Great for Pokemon hunting, though, and getting steps in. I’m pretty stoked because I hit the first leg of my goals, and am amping up to the next phase.
Part of my good mood right now, is because I took my own advice and did several things on my tips for self-care list. I am devastated and upset by the news, but I keep coming back to what I can do. What can I provide? Make art in all its glorious forms. Give back as I’m able to. I know it won’t be enough, but I’m not an island either. I work with fabulous individuals, and we’re all doing the best we can and will continue to do so.
My workload is insane at the moment. There is no way I can participate in NaNoWriMo, either. Timing, such as it is, means my focus has to be very narrow right now. Some exciting bits I’m working on, for sure! I’ve had a lot of conversations about launching additional aspects, too, such as Patreon or Etsy. Next year is going to be awesome!
I am a little concerned, however, that social media engagement is changing because it directly impacts the discovery of creators and our art. It’s a lot more work to promote a book or game than it has been in the past; people are getting offline and definitely adjusting their usage. Can you blame them? Every time something blows up in a headline, social media is saturated with commentary about it. It’s inescapable.
Despite this, I’m not worried about marketing. To be honest, that hasn’t been on my radar for a long while. When I have blogged about social media/marketing in the past, it’s partly because I feel that sharing stories about my journey might help others in my position. Too, there’s really no “one way” to promote yourself or your books, and there are plenty of experts in the field–many already work in publishing, already. I’m lucky in the sense that I’ve logged some time in the marketing field before, and know who to ask if that responsibility falls back on my plate. Often, however, making art has been a higher priority than selling it.
Some immediate changes to my schedule: I’m back to blogging, at least twice a week, for the time being. I’ve also found that compartmentalizing my To-Do lists has been a life-saver. And, it has really helped me prioritize what needs to be done as well. Really slick! I’ll also be taking photos at events and whatnot, and I have a lot to share from past shows/fun bits! I played around with how I log my time, and I’m definitely blocking social media during business hours. It’s a huge relief, and those mini-breaks I normally take are a lot more productive and fun. Great fuel for writing. This technique has also been helping me compartmentalize how and when to channel my energy, too.
And with that, I need to get back to my list. Keep on, keepin’ on. Be well!
1] A former co-worker used to call it ‘global nicening’ as a terrible joke. Climate change is the new Flat Earth.
Mood: Have devolved into sarcasm. Or evolved? Hah.
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Wait… That was Sunday, right? Three.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Steps! Steps! Steps!
In My Ears: How Far I’ll Go from Moana (Alessia Cara version)
Game Last Played: Pokémon Go
Book Last Read: Loads for work. Loads. LOADS MORE. MOAR.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: The Magnificent Seven YUS!
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War Challenge eBook now available!
Latest Releases: Over the Edge for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

[Announcement] Guest of Honor at Capricon 38
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 09, 2017 09:52 am

I am pleased to announce I am the Gaming Guest of Honor at Capricon 38 in Wheeling, Illinois. The theme for 2018’s show is “Expanded Universes”, and I love it.
From the website: “Capricon 38: Expanding Universes, will be a celebration of the infinite loop from the written word, to the screen, to games, and back again. When fans find a universe they enjoy, they can’t wait for the next book, episode, movie, or game. So, these universes are expanded across a variety of media.”
This philosophy, that the art we make and enjoy is part of an infinite loop, is one I hold very dear to my heart. It’s one of the pillars for my business plan, and it’s also the reason why I’m continually inspired to keep chipping away at different points on that loop.
I hope you’ll join us in February!

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Make Art Not War Challenge: 75 Suggestions for Self-Care and Improvement
By Monica Valentinelli on Oct 06, 2017 12:57 pm

This month’s Make Art Not War Challenge theme is SELF-CARE, which is one of the essays I pubbed in my new Make Art Not War Challenge: Rules, Essays, and 31 Creative Tips eBook! To celebrate this fun and necessary theme, I’ve cooked up seventy-five suggestions for you. Woo!
1. Get a facial or use a face mask
2. Set up your annual doctor’s visit
3. Schedule your dentist’s visit
4. Watch a comedy
5. Re-read your favorite book
6. Listen to your favorite song
7. Wear your favorite color
8. Buy yourself flowers
9. Schedule a sexual health screening
10. Get a massage
11. Get your nails/hair/toes done
12. Change your hair color/style
13. Do that One ThingTM you’ve been putting off for months
14. Clean your desk
15. Make your bed
16. Sleep with fancy sheets
17. Spray stress-reducing fragrances (lavender, peppermint, etc.)
18. Light a candle
19. Take yourself out on a date
20. Bake! Fresh bread is fabulous
21. Meditate or pray
22. Plan a New Year’s celebration!
23. Indulge in your favorite hobby
24. Get some fresh air
25. Take a nap
26. Cook an elaborate meal
27. Find a new theme song. (I like Survival by Muse)
28. Read a new story by your favorite author
29. Watch a feel good movie
30. Have some delicious tea
31. Color! There’s /">swear word coloring books, too!
32. Eat your vegetables
33. Do a second thing you’ve been putting off for months!
34. Check your water intake and up it, if needed
35. Find a safe space and scream
36. Play with your pets! (Or go to a rescue and see ’em.)
37. Track your mood with smiley faces. (Sometimes, you need to know where you’re at, before you can help yourself!)
38. Set up a savings plan that’s affordable for you
39. Take a class or tutorial
40. Get glam/silly/spooky/etc. and get photographed!
41. Take a long hot shower/bath
42. Use some fancy lotion
43. Specify an event or date you’re looking forward to–then count it down!
44. Schedule time to disconnect
45. Do some breathing exercises
46. Wear excellent socks
47. Put up holiday lights in your office — I did! Mine are purple!
48. Visit a planetarium
49. Cull your social media lists/followers
50. Use a worry stone
51. Vent. Journals work great for this!
52. Visit a planetarium. The vastness of space is an excellent reminder how small our planet is!
53. Plan for the holidays early. Save yourself some time and space to enjoy them.
54. Sitting on an application/submission of any kind? Submit it!
55. Putting off that body art? Plan and do it!
56. Watch the sunrise/sunset
57. Visit your local arboretum or park
58. Do that computer/phone maintenance you hate doing
59. Organize/sort your photos
60. Create a vision board–a digital version works fine, too!
61. Forgive yourself
62. Plan (and do) a new self-help morning routine
63. Geek out! Write fanfic or make fan art
64. Get your personal library in shape
65. Take a self-defense class
66. Seek out guest lecturer opportunities–try your local library!
67. Have a good cry
68. Level up your writing instruments. I adore!
69. Have a planner? Pretty it up with fancy stickers.
70. Plan a trip and go cloud watching
71. Create a wheel spinner to do something fun. (Then do it!)
72. Learn ASL, Morse code, or a foreign language
73. Sign up/plan a longer-term fitness goal with a trainer
74. Prioritize your wants/needs/goals
75. Say buh-bye to toxic people and deepen your relationships with those who matter.
Mood: The future is yet before us
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Addiction? Oh yeah. Too embarrassing to admit.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: Steps! Averaging 5K a day work-out wise, and ready to up the program.
In My Ears: A whiny Muse song
Game Last Played: Pokémon Go
Book Last Read: Loads for work. Loads. LOADS MORE.
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Westworld
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War Challenge eBook
Latest Releases: Over the Edge for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

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