Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War Challenge and Change Your World
Hello New Subscribers!
The stars have mysteriously aligned and, in the past two weeks, I've gotten a flood of new subscribers. Welcome to my brand of writerly goodness!
On to the sniffles. This week, I've been laid out with a terrible case of The CrudTM. Slept a lot and now I'm feeling better, but terribly behind on my word count for the week. Ergo: blogging is relatively light this week and for that I deeply apologize. If you're hoping to see me blog about something specific, please feel free to reach out!
In other news, I submitted panels to ConFusion and Capricon; I'm a panelist at the former and the gaming GOH at the latter. I am now three "The Ends" away from being caught up, too, and I'm very anxious to close that gap. I've got new projects percolating, and I think y'all will be very surprised by what's to come. Boo-yah!
Hope you are doing well!
- M
In the 11/09/2017 edition:
MANW Check-In Week 45: Why Finishing a Thing Can Be Hard
By Monica Valentinelli on Nov 08, 2017 12:56 pm

Last week I announced that FINISH was November’s theme. And, as I type this, I have a few projects I need to get off my plate this week. Part of that is due to con crud, but I am just as guilty of not finishing projects sometimes. It does happen and I have to own those times when I don’t. Sometimes, it’s because a project is on spec or doesn’t pay a lot. Other times, it feels like nothing I do goes right. That doesn’t excuse me being late or not finishing a thing. I have to own that, and I know it, too.
So, what happens? Why are some projects easier to finish than others? What I’ve found, is that lagging projects comes down to four buckets or categories of Shit That Can Go WrongTM:
motivation (or vested interest) – Why are you making the thing you’re making? Money? Creative itch? Self-fulfillment?
logistics – How capable are you of making the thing? Time, space, skill, etc.?
personality conflicts/communication issues – Do you get along with the people involved in your thing? Or are there issues?
mental health/physical concerns – Are you physically okay? Mentally? Emotionally?
Okay, let’s put this into practice. Say you were laid off from your day job. That impacts your schedule (time to write) and financial outlook (money you get from writing). It can also affect your mental health and motivation, too. Doesn’t sound like you? This is where the conversation gets complicated: your mileage will vary widely, because you are the best person to identify why you haven’t finished a thing. Sometimes, your ability to utilize insight comes from having a little distance between you, your day-to-day life/experiences, and the work. The time to think, in and of itself, is a luxury that not everyone shares. The busier you get, whether that’s due to the holidays or the work-life balance or the thousand things that fill up your day, the harder it is to analyze what’s going on with “you”.
I’ll use myself as an example to highlight the unique aspects of my current situation. For me, as a full-time writer, if one project slides it’s not a big deal. But, if I lose time due to travel, etc. that’s when it’s bad because I have to re-prioritize what’s on my plate. Unfortunately, my work in the game development/writing sphere has become increasingly harder because of two things: one, training/working with new folks does take time and that will always be the case and two, the harassment and vitriol originating from being active in certain online spaces (needed to remain visible and network with people) have unknowingly caused a lot of emotional labor on my part. I also did not fully understand what it meant to be triggered, and now (thanks to our political trashfires) I do.
That, right there, is what slowed me down on top of the regular day-to-day issues of stalled payments and dropped balls that were outside of my control. I eventually realized the danger of prioritizing social media, blogging, or watching the news over getting words down. Words matter and words often tap into our emotions in wild and wacky ways. Now, I’m literally three “The Ends” away from being totally caught up (YAY!), and I’ve been sick the past few days (BOO!). That’s not something I’m proud/happy of at all. Yes, I’ve been online, but appearances can be misleading, in part because I use social media as a tool for inspiration. To motivate myself, I’ve found (unfortunately) that I need the happiness that comes from shared joy. To get that, I have to find it and it is harder to do that in this climate.
Why are you not finishing your stuff? The reasons can vary widely. Maybe you bit off more than you can chew. That happens a lot. Maybe you’re depressed because the world is on fire. Maybe you’re not sure you know how to finish it and you’re afraid to ask. Or, maybe you have a vision of that finished thing in your head and the draft isn’t measuring up. Whatever the reason, I trust that you know what that is. That’s step one. Step two is finding ways to address the problem. If, for example, you’re worried about the end result and you haven’t finished your first draft? Give yourself permission to suck. That’s what first drafts are for!
I hope something in this post has sparked an idea or a new path that will allow you to troubleshoot your situation. Please keep at it! I shall do the same. I want, more than anything, to be fully caught up by Monday. I’ve already planned how I’ll celebrate: pumpkin spice cupcakes for the win! Sometimes, the smallest rewards can really help motivate you as well. Keep on keepin’ on!
Mood: Hellbent and determined
Caffeinated Beverages Consumed: Coffee is life.
Work-Out Minutes Logged Yesterday: I walked in freezing temps. Not smart. Thought I was fully recovered and collapsed in Ny-Quil
In My Ears: Lord Lardbottom is snoring. Loudly.
Game Last Played: Pokémon Go
Book Last Read: Work shit
Movie/TV Show Last Viewed: Lucifer
Latest Artistic Project: Make Art Not War Challenge eBook now available!
Latest Releases: Over the Edge for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Dagger of Spiragos for Scarred Lands.
Current State of Projects: Read my latest project update. New project update coming when I get time.

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