Monica Valentinelli

Take the Make Art Not War Challenge and Change Your World
Join me for #Febrrrary!

Hey friends,
I am back from CONfusion in Michigan and had a wonderful time. By my estimate, I'm about two weeks away from being all caught up with media/tie-in and work-for-hire manuscripts. Then? I've got a PILE of lovely to-dos for my original settings/stories and a Patreon to launch. I can't wait to share what my plans are for 2019; it'll be fun!
Today's content includes a super fun creative challenge for #febrrrary created by comics pro Mark Stegbauer and myself. I do hope you'll consider joining us for a month-long of art, and can't wait to see what warm, toasty creations you come up with. I'll be using the hashtag on Twitter and Instagram. See you there!
- M
In the 01/31/2019 edition:
Check out my interview with Jonathan Mayberry for IAMTW!
By Monica Valentinelli on Jan 30, 2019 11:12 am

Heya, I am happy (and ashamed) to report I was interviewed by Jonathan Mayberry for the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers I’m a member of! The interview is from November, and in Jonathan’s wisdom it went live when my new Firefly Encyclopedia from Titan Books debuted.
You can read my interview on the site, and check out tons of great interviews with other members. I’ll be cursing my In Box for burying my notifications for at least ten minutes…right before freezing my proverbial bum off. It’s cold out there so stay warm!

Make Art Not War Challenge 2019: Warm Up with Febrrrary!
By Monica Valentinelli on Jan 30, 2019 10:30 am

Hi friends! If you remember my Make Art Not War Challenge, you’ll recall I included fun exercises in the eBook and here on the blog. In the spirit of creativity, comic book professional Mark Stegbauer and I cooked up something hawt for February–a fire-themed creative challenge!
Are you sick of winter? Yeah, me too. Warm yourself up by thinking about fire! Grab a daily prompt and use it as a prompt for your creative warm-ups. There’s no rules, no restrictions, no level required. You can sketch, write a 250-word story, or stat up an antagonist for your favorite game! Then share your art and help us melt Jack Frost! Join us on the hashtag #febrrrary.
I’m planning on using the prompts as my creative warm-ups before diving into the pile. I have a lot of fun doing it, and I miss drawing. I hope you’ll consider participating! I would LOVE to see what you come up with. Yay! And, as always, I’d appreciate a boost by sharing the prompts. Let’s encourage each other to keep making art.

Recent Articles:
[Pre-Order] Proving Grounds Solo Card Game and Novella from Renegade Games
My CONfusion 2019 Schedule
Read “My Name Is Cybernetic Model XR389F, and I Am Beautiful” for Free!
My 2018 Summary and Publications in Games, Fiction, and Non-Fiction
[New Release] “My Name is Cybernetic Model XR389F, and I Am Beautiful” in Uncanny Magazine Issue 25