Hello, hello, hello!
I can’t believe that Fall is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. It seems as if, just yesterday, the heat was nigh unbearable. The temps are already dropping, the sun is waking up later, and I’ve pulled out my comfy sweats.
When I was thinking about journalling prompts for this month, I was keen on exploring another harvest theme until I remembered that there’s another aspect of the seasonal shifts I haven’t highlighted. Fear.
As the darkness increases, we experience fear that the “seeds” we’ve plant won’t bear fruit or ripen in time, fear that the failing light won’t return, fear that we won’t have enough yield to survive the barren winter.
October ends on a spooky holiday, but already the shadows lengthen and the once-green fields wither and brown. I don’t know a single writer who hasn’t experienced or faced their fears about writing in some fashion.
So, for this month, I challenge you to face your fears.
Prompts to Face Your Fears about Writing
This month’s journalling exercises are designed to help you recall that headspace when you didn’t write—along with one to remind yourself that you do have experiences you can be proud of.
When was the last time you were afraid to write? Describe the circumstances.
How often are you afraid to write? Have you sought help? Why or why not?
Can you remember a time when you experienced writer's block? Describe what happened before you had the block and (if applicable) afterward.
Think of a project you wanted to complete, but never did. Describe what you did to avoid that project. If applicable, what motivated you to continue working on it?
Have you ever avoided writing because you were too anxious to write that subject or genre? Describe the project.
When was the last time you felt confident as a writer? Write about that experience.
Once you’ve written about your fears, my recommendation is to set those pages aside for a couple of days. Then, re-read them to glean insight and plot a path forward. You may decide to take a different approach, too, and review those moments with a peer or professional. Partnering up is just as valid!
When it comes to fear, that emotion can be so scary and so personal to deal with. Please, take this as a sign of encouragement. I trust you’ll deal with your fears in the way that works best for you and your needs.
Links about Facing Your Writing Fears
To help you face your fears, it’s helpful to know that you aren’t the only writer who’s dealing with them. Here are some links that you may find valuable in your journey.
Common Writer Fears (A.K.A.,You’re Not Crazy) - Ruthann Reid, at The Write Practice, tackles the subject head on to show that you’re not alone.
How to Overcome Fear as a Writer and Embrace Your Profound Courage - A post about embracing your courage and overcoming your fear from K.M. Weiland.
Journaling Through Fear - As part of a series, Writing At Large’s Nofar offers additional journalling exercises to work through your fears and anxieties.
Coping with Writing Anxiety - Vanderbilt University offers some handouts to help you cope with writing anxiety.
Four Causes of Writer's Block - This issue of Suw Charman-Anderson’s newsletter recaps a study that sought to understand writer's block through a scientific lens. Worth a read!
Hope you find this newsletter interesting and important for your writing practice. Next week, I’ll be sharing some of the ways I’m celebrating Halloween—including a #WitchyWednesday blog series on FlamesRising.com!