Mark the dates! New workshops! Selling Your Work Online and Magic for Writers
Rambo Academy and Apex Book Company
Hello, gentle and admirable readers.
My next newsletter will be my musings about rejection and not the connection between art and AI. I have been digging in a bit into the issue, and artists have just filed a class action lawsuit. As the situation is developing and now includes legal, I need to listen since this is an area I know little about.
In happier news, I am pleased to announce I’m teaching new workshops in February and March through the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers and through Apex Book Company.
Typically, I try to announce one workshop at a time to be mindful of your budget and to give the venues I’m working with fair promotion. Please forgive the double-announcement; I’m in a special situation because, as you know, I am hoping to go to Egypt in April and a deposit is due imminently.
If you’re strapped, the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers offers scholarships if you require assistance; the Apex Book Company has pledged to offer financial aid as well. Should you like any of my workshops, just let me know and I’d be happy to offer them again in the future.
Haven’t taken one of my classes before? Here’s one of my students sharing their experiences.
“I have had the pleasure of attending two classes led by Monica - Tarot
for Writers and Horror in Games. I found Monica to be an enthusiastic,
engaging and bewitching teacher, in terms of attitude, presentation and
content. She was deft in answering questions thoroughly yet concisely,
and made every effort to make everyone feel included. I loved learning
how to construct stories from tarot and learning the landscape of RPG
— author, Risa Wolf
Selling Your Work Online: The Ins and Outs of Internet Retail
Where: Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers (Online)
Seating: Open Availability
When: Saturday, February 11, 2023 from 1-3 PM Pacific time.
What: Do you know what the “long tail” is? Do you know how to write great book listings? Have you thought about accessibility in e-tail? In this workshop, you will get an overview of the basics of Internet retail and become empowered to make better decisions about where to sell your work online and how to maximize your listings.
This workshop is perfect for anyone who’s mystified by online retail and needs a nuts-and-bolts overview for best practices. Slides will be provided.
Link: Learn More and Register for Selling Your Work Online
Magic & Magic Systems for Writers
Where: Apex Book Company (Online)
Seating: Limited to 10. Includes critiques.
When: Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 11-1 PM Pacific time.
What: Magic is a cauldron that birthed the sciences, but has also intersected historically with cultural traditions and identity, class and income, faith and philosophy. In this two-hour workshop, Monica will demystify magic for your stories. You'll decide how to make magic unique for your needs and whether or not you require a magic system. In the second hour, Monica will critique and answer questions about magic in your stories. Participants are encouraged to send five pages exemplifying magic in your works or a summary of how your characters use magic.
This workshop is perfect for anyone who hasn’t done extensive research into magic and magic systems. Slides will be provided.