New! Canvas Rebel Interview, Clarion West Class, Game Hole Con, Journalling Prompts and More!
Hello, gentle reader!
I am back from the Gen Con Writer’s Symposium. I had a fantastic time speaking on panels and conducting workshops. When I wasn't presenting, I spent a lot of my efforts in small, outdoor spaces with friends and peers or masked in the hallways and dealer’s room. Thankfully, I managed to avoid contracting COVID-19 but so, so many people I knew weren’t as lucky.

This convention of 75,000+ people was deemed a super-spreader, and as your Prepared AuntieTM I hope you’ll consider masking for future conventions—if not “just” for yourself, for people who are immuno-compromised and/or have loved ones they need to protect.
Now that I’m back, I wanted to share a few happy announcements. For your reading convenience, I tossed in some headers so you can quickly skim to the bits you’re interested in.
Interview with Canvas Rebel
I was recently interviewed by Canvas Rebel Magazine. These folks utilize their platform to support the arts; after you read my interview be sure to check out the site and all the wonderful creators!
To read the interview, visit Meet Monica Valentinelli at
Next Online Workshop with Clarion West
My next event will be a writing-centric Clarion West workshop titled “How to Use Tarot for Storytellers.” This two-hour workshop will be conducted online on Sunday, September 29th and will have a seasonal theme. Unlike my other tarot workshops, this experience will also include small group exercises to help nurture collaborative skills.
Just in case you don’t know, Clarion West is a nonprofit literary organization that runs an acclaimed six-week residential workshop every summer, online classes and workshops, one-day and weekend workshops, a reading series every summer, and other events throughout the year.
For more information, visit How to Use Tarot for Storytellers on the Clarion West website.
Next Appearance at Game Hole Con
In October, I’m also returning to Game Hole Con to celebrate another amazing milestone. This year, it’s the 50th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons, and I’ve got a scheduled packed with fun games, panels, and workshops. I’m hosting an indie game design jam, running several games, and streaming a session of D&D on Twitch. I’ll have a full schedule up next week!
August Journalling Prompts
This month’s journalling prompts for our year of planting seeds is all about what you’ve reaped so far. Not only is the summer winding down, August is the perfect time to reap the rewards of your efforts thus far and prepare for the Fall. Pumpkin spice, anyone?
After spending so much time identifying your goals, planning, and working on your next steps, take a minute to assess your progress. Re-read your journal and the goals you identified in January. Are your goals coming to fruition? Why or why not? What lessons have you learned thus far this year? Is there any nuggest of wisdom you can glean to help you continue pursuing your goals?
Requesting Feedback
Lastly, I owe you an off-topic newsletter. I’ve been reading a lot about AI content generators and the impact on the environment (see: AI Supercenter in Memphis), been mulling over the difference between participating in clubs vs. community, have been reading up on the preservation and conservation of plant species (see: UN Decade on Restoration), and have been experimenting with all the different uses of mint. (That’s the plant, not the hipster sentiment nor the candy. Hee.)
Plus, I’ve been slowly plodding through a Marvel TV show anthology watch, viewing the Hell’s Kitchen heroes (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, the Punisher, Iron Fist, and the Defenders) in narrative order while I knit a fall-themed shawl. If you’ve got an opinion about what you’d like to read about, let me know! I’m poking into social media less and less these days, so if you’re hoping to connect I encourage you to comment here or send me a message.
‘Til next time? Keep on, keepin’ on!
- Monica