Well, It's Been a While... New! Class and Thoughts
First off, I am happy to be writing to you again. I know it’s been a few months since I’ve popped in here, and I’m finding it’s impossible to both “be present” and write on the road. I spent some time in New Orleans, Egypt, and California; wonderful trips that I had the privilege of being on. I have many, many photos that I’ll be sharing over time, too, and sending to my patrons.
It’s no secret that I’m rebuilding my career—this is typical for a lot of creative professionals. I am open about it, because I want you to know this hiccup is normal in an industry that’s full of instability and unknowns. That said, I finally recognized how focusing on so much work wasn’t healthy; there’s an idea common among immigrant families that, if you just work hard enough, you’ll achieve the American Dream, the perfect life. My perfect life, however, my value as a human being can’t be captured in a CV. My life isn’t just my creative efforts, either, because not everything is within my control. Shit happens. Sometimes lucky, sometimes not. And what I’m left with, are my choices.
These past few months have reminded me of the reason why I love being a creator by exploring the other parts that make me “me”. Ultimately, for me, it’s about connection. It’s about realizing and recognizing and remembering that everyone has a story to tell. Sometimes those stories are very different, even painful to hear. Sometimes, they’re a reminder of everyday joys.
I know how chaotic everything is right now, too. Most creative industries are still dealing with the effects of the pandemic and will be for some time. The rapid growth/adaptation of AI is also impacting creative professionals of all types as well. Add, on top of that, banning books/comics and a host of other real-world concerns, the war with Ukraine and the erosion of human rights for starters, and it’s easy to lose hope. Look, I can’t tell you how to feel or even guess what’s going on with you, but I think it bears repeating: your value as a human being has nothing to do with your CV, either. The source of our stories isn’t always other people’s published stories, they come from our own lives—the good, the bad, and the “Oh, I wish that didn’t happen, but it did.”
Oh! Before I forget, coming up on Saturday, June 4th my popular Tarot for Writers workshop. I show you how to use tarot to brainstorm, develop characters, and more! Details here: kittywumpus.net/blog/class-tarot-for-writers-workshop
I’m going to try to pop in next week, but I’ve got a deadline glaring at me and a jammed schedule. In the meantime, rock out and rock on. May you have what all of us deserve: a great F’ing life.