New! SISTERHOOD Anthology Release and Other Miscellany
Hello, excellent newsletter subscribers!
This week, I am pleased to report that I've finished being upgraded: my 5G connection is a little wonky—some people are reporting that Skynet is "acting up"—but it's starting to take hold. Though we're in the "Is This Pandemic Over Yet?" Times, I'm so thrilled scientists exist. YAY VACCINES!
I have also planted marigolds and it's not even June. What's next? VEGETABLES? Thankfully, more light means more BEADS. I started stitching a netted collar. Here's what the silver base looks like:
In Kickstarter-related news, I backed the Alleyman's Tarot on Kickstarter. It's a 137-card deck of mismatched (YES, I KNOW!) tarot cards that will only receive a single printing. You can order through June 13th, and then it vanishes forever.
On to new releases and other fun news, reminders, and updates!
New Anthology Release: I'm pleased to announce that the mythos anthology, SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries, is now available wherever books are sold, including DriveThruFiction.
Register for the Nebulas: There's still time to register for the virtual 2021 Nebula Conference on June 4th-6th! You do not need to be a SFWA member to attend.
GameHole Con 2021: Thanks to Alex Kammer, I have a special fundraising event planned for this year's ExtraLife charity drive. It's going to be amazing!
Upcoming Workshops: Watch the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers for news about my upcoming summer workshops. I just completed the Story Generator Workshop, and we had a GREAT time.
Upcoming Slarecian Vault release: I have finished the text for a Scarred Lands 5th Edition adventure, and have begun layout. This should release in June.
Got Streaming?: If you're a fan of Twitch and SIRENS, check out actual play episodes and other goodies with Satine Phoenix on Twitch.
Pre-orders Available: An upcoming Yellow King RPG supplement I wrote for, the Legions of Carcosa, is now available for pre-order on the Pelgrane Press site.
Patreon Reminder: I refreshed the tiers and am finishing up a magical essay, as promised, for subscribers. Check out BooksOfM on Patreon and join us.
New! SISTERHOOD Anthology Release and Other Miscellany
New! SISTERHOOD Anthology Release and Other Miscellany
New! SISTERHOOD Anthology Release and Other Miscellany
Hello, excellent newsletter subscribers!
This week, I am pleased to report that I've finished being upgraded: my 5G connection is a little wonky—some people are reporting that Skynet is "acting up"—but it's starting to take hold. Though we're in the "Is This Pandemic Over Yet?" Times, I'm so thrilled scientists exist. YAY VACCINES!
I have also planted marigolds and it's not even June. What's next? VEGETABLES? Thankfully, more light means more BEADS. I started stitching a netted collar. Here's what the silver base looks like:
In Kickstarter-related news, I backed the Alleyman's Tarot on Kickstarter. It's a 137-card deck of mismatched (YES, I KNOW!) tarot cards that will only receive a single printing. You can order through June 13th, and then it vanishes forever.
On to new releases and other fun news, reminders, and updates!
New Anthology Release: I'm pleased to announce that the mythos anthology, SISTERHOOD: Dark Tales and Secret Mysteries, is now available wherever books are sold, including DriveThruFiction.
Register for the Nebulas: There's still time to register for the virtual 2021 Nebula Conference on June 4th-6th! You do not need to be a SFWA member to attend.
GameHole Con 2021: Thanks to Alex Kammer, I have a special fundraising event planned for this year's ExtraLife charity drive. It's going to be amazing!
Upcoming Workshops: Watch the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers for news about my upcoming summer workshops. I just completed the Story Generator Workshop, and we had a GREAT time.
Upcoming Slarecian Vault release: I have finished the text for a Scarred Lands 5th Edition adventure, and have begun layout. This should release in June.
SIRENS Kickstarter: The SIRENS: Battle of the Bards Kickstarter ends on May 22nd. Don't miss out!
Got Streaming?: If you're a fan of Twitch and SIRENS, check out actual play episodes and other goodies with Satine Phoenix on Twitch.
Pre-orders Available: An upcoming Yellow King RPG supplement I wrote for, the Legions of Carcosa, is now available for pre-order on the Pelgrane Press site.
Patreon Reminder: I refreshed the tiers and am finishing up a magical essay, as promised, for subscribers. Check out BooksOfM on Patreon and join us.
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